And the Award Goes To… (In Deep Smit 11/21/08)

Another Friday, of course.

This week I am in deep smit with my shiny blog award. Not because of the award itself (although it IS shiny!) but because I got curious about the path by which it reached Trying to Do the Write Thing.

So I followed it backwards and found all manner of awesomeness.

And so, without further ado, in the order in which their awards were received… here are some of the sites that came before mine in the I Love Your Blog Award chain:

  1. Library Queue
  2. Diary of an Eccentric
  3. Things Mean a Lot
  4. The Bookworm
  5. The Trillionth Page
  6. What I am Reading
  7. Reading is So Much Fun
  8. Danette’s Chatting Lounge
  9. Sidhe Vicious Reviews
  10. Books, books, and more books
  11. Shaunie’s Happy Place
  12. Writing with Vicki
  13. On the Writers’ Road Less Traveled
  14. First Edition
  15. The Gentle Art of Conversation
  16. The Write Soul
  17. Me, My Muse, and I
  18. The Saucy Scribe
  19. The Lovers, the Dreamers, and Me
  20. Yours truly!! 🙂

You Like Me! You Really Like Me!!

Breaking News!!

The fabulous and fascinating Kate Karyus Quinn has given Trying to Do the Write Thing the I Love Your Blog Award!


That’s right… a MAJOR award!

So, big thanks to Kate! And now, it’s my chance to pass out awards. I feel like Nick in Pottersville…

“Get me… I’m givin’ out WINGS!”

Drumroll, please!

I proudly present the I Love Your Blog Award to the following AWESOME folks:

  1. Jen at Blurred Motion ~ Jen seriously cracks me up. Try here and here to see why.
  2. Joan at Joelen’s Culinary Adventures ~ Warning! Do not visit this site when you are already hungry. Especially here and here.
  3. Mags at My Mother Wouldn’t Lie ~ I love when Mags blogs. Mags needs to blog more. We need many more posts like this and this.
  4. Mary at Mary Lindsey’s Blog ~ Mary Lindsey rocks especially hard here and here.
  5. Sabrina at Sabrina Faire ~ Why do I love Sabrina? Let me count the ways: one, two, three

So, big YAY’s all around!!

It’s My Blogiversary! (sort of)

It’s not quite Friday yet, but I have a very good reason to celebrate my weekly “In Deep Smit” a day early…

It was one year ago today that I signed up for this spiffy blog on WordPress.

I started this blog when I was just one month (and about 40K words) into The Edge of Memory, mostly as a way of documenting the process.

I was quite private at first. Only my husband and BFF Clara knew I was blogging, and I kept the blog out of search engines and whatnot.

After my first round of editing, I asked for test readers on a number of internet chat boards to which I belong. I set up the Test Readers pages so folks could discuss their thoughts after reading.

But aside from my clandestine beta-readers and a handful of close friends, no one knew I was here.

In May, when I started marketing my novel, I made this a public blog. So Trying to Do the Write Thing has only been public for six months, but it’s a year old today.

I’ve come a long way in a year. Finished a novel and started another. Revised my query letter approximately 72 million times. Learned that publishing is to weeks what football is to minutes– it’s a slow process. I’ve reached a zen-like state of understanding there.

As a physician, I’m used to ordering things “Stat” and that really doesn’t apply in publishing.

I mean REALLY doesn’t apply. But there is an element to that fact that is kind of refreshing. It makes me appreciate the journey.

A journey on which I’ve met (and virtually met) a lot of fabulous people. If you’re reading this, THIS MEANS YOU. 😉

Thanks for stopping by!