Cover Info

Okay, I am editing this because two people have now shared that they a). aren’t in love with my cover designs and b). like the picture from my blog for the cover.

The picture on my blog is the one that came with the template, so I do not own the rights to it and cannot use it. 🙂

And, perhaps, since these covers don’t seem to “grab” people, this is why when a book is published, I’m told that the author is given no say in what the cover looks like. *LOL*

The cover choices I had posted here were for the copy I plan to print out privately for myself, before I submit it to publishers– just to see it as an actual book. Actually, the NaNoWriMo contest I participated in used to give you one free copy if you won ( used to donate it, but not this year), so I was designing the cover for that.

As far as cover designing goes, it is hard to do it without infringing on anyone’s copyrights. The photos I use have to be ones I have personally taken (e.g. the lake), or drawn (the letter) or public domain images (the train). And if they are pictures of people, you’d have to have a). the people to photograph and b). their permission.

Here was my original cover design:

full size cover

And here’s the most recent one:

Personal Book Cover

Other suggestions that fall within copyright guidelines, I would be glad to hear, but it won’t make much difference in regards to how it looks once it would actually be published. 😉

8 Responses

  1. I think I like A Charmed Life as a title…..relating to the bracelet. But let me finish the whole book and see what happens to be sure.

    Cool, though!!!!

  2. Yeah, I think the larger font is better for the title – it makes it stand out more. I have to say I like “Still Haunted” for the whole book – I dunno, I guess since it is a pretty serious book in its content, I like the more serious title. So now you have a vote each way. 🙂

  3. I haven’t started reading yet, so I’ll probably get a better feel for the title once into the story.

    You want us to be honest right?
    I’m not feeling any of the covers or the fonts .. HOWEVER, I love the pic you have on the blog It seems more poignant and eerie.

    Just my opinion.. I’m emailing you an example of what I was thinking ..

  4. I agree with Sarah. I Loved the book and I’m not in love with the cover, and for me- the cover is everything at the store. These covers don’t do the book justice. What about something like a train track in a forest and you see the outline of a young girl from behind? I don’t know. Something different.

  5. I wish we could go back and just edit our comments…anyway…..I love the picture at the top of this page- that might be your cover!

  6. Yeah, you won’t get any say as to what the cover will look like when you get it published… the publisher does all of that for you. But it’s nice to have something for yourself… just to help fill it out! 🙂

  7. […] more information about. When I couldn’t think of anything that needed researching, I designed fake book covers and compiled imaginary soundtracks. I cast actors to star in the imaginary movie based on my […]

  8. The edge of memory cover is really cool-looking!!

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