Contact Me

You can email me at HeatherLDyer at or  Heather at

You can also find me:

5 Responses

  1. *updating registration information*

  2. Hi, You are following me on my blogspot blog that doesn’t do anything. I was hoping you would follow me at my new blog. I hope you do. Would love to have you there? Also would you please contact me. Would you be interested in support and promoting Latino/a authors?

    I would like you to guest post on my blog. Also I offer a Blog Brag, which consists of answering 3 Qs: 1. What is your blog about? 2. What motivated you to do your blog? 3. What do you offer your visitors to your blog? What do you want your visitors to take with them when they leave your blog?
    Thank you
    Jo Ann Hernandez
    BronzeWord Latino Authors
    BronzeWord1 AT yahoo com

  3. hey pal, amazing blog

    i was wondering if i could promote this blog on my website. Would you mind if i add your blog’s link under my website or please let me know if you are interested in Guest blogging. It would be my pleasure to have your blog’s link on my website. It will increase your Google ranking as well..

    Waiting For Reply!


  4. Hi,

    My name is Adam and I work from home in Anaheim, Ca. I build, improve and rank websites. Mostly for professionals and business owners.

    I am currently speeding up ALL of my client’s sites because of the huge advantage fast websites will have in Google moving forward. (2018-2019)

    Google’s “Mobile First” policies are going into full swing.
    (Look up AMP – Goggle’s Accelerated Mobile Pages)

    If you would like me to take a look at your site and see if you could be sped up or updated, or if you have any questions about your website, shoot me a quick email. I am always happy to help.


    Adam Abernethy

  5. Hello, thanks for your time,

    I have a quick question, I am wondering about the best time and way to discuss working with you and asking some questions i have before we got started, thanks 🙂 looking forward to hearing from you


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