About Me

H. L. Dyer

My name is Heather Dyer and I am a creative person by nature… I always have been. In a complicated twist of fate, I ended up happily in a very scientific job. I work at a children’s hospital in the Chicagoland area.

This is not to say that healthcare does not have its creative components. Certainly devising a way to explain asthma to a 5-year-old requires creative thinking, but often I feel the need to throw myself into creative projects on the side.

I write women’s fiction and am represented by Katherine Boyle of Veritas Literary Agency for my novel, The Edge of Memory. I am also an RWA member and co-author the QueryTracker Blog.

In addition to all things literary (which includes grilling my legion of test readers), I enjoy experimental cooking and composing impromptu parodies to annoy close friends and family.

8 Responses

  1. I too have never blogged, I just started one, and have always wanted to write a novel. I worked in aviation electronics, info technology, all techno-weeny stuff, before tossing it all out to be just a housewife. I purchased MacJournal & StoryMill for my mac to get started. It’s further than I’ve ever gotten before to actually begin writing creatively, except for that stuff college requires.

  2. Your doing a fine job on blogging. Keep up the good work, and I can’t wait to see that Novel.

  3. Newbie blogger here! Been at it a grand total of three weeks, and already it’s addictive. I have written a novel and it’s in the let-it-sit-far-away-from-me-so-can-get-some-objectivity stage, and I’m writing a new one as well. It’s impossible to stop writing once you’ve started down that precipitous creative side road. Best of luck to you!


  4. Yes, I am new here. I too am writing (always writing) and am looking for an agent to represent my novel. What I’m looking for here is a place to share work (say a chapter at a time) with other novelists, to give and receive feedback so all of our projects will grow stronger. If this sounds like something you, or anyone you know here, would be interested in, let me know. I look forward to reading your chapters.

  5. Hey there,

    Just stumbled across your blog. I am a Doc too. I am on the other end of the spectrum, and near the end of a long career as a country Doc.

    My agent has just started to shop around my book, ‘The Mandolin Case.’ It is the story of how a complex medical malpractice case was resolved by a loyal band of bluegrass boys and golf gamblers. In it I did my best to show the truth but not tell any facts. It was great fun.

    I would love to read yours. I am certain I would enjoy the different perspective. I know a lot of medicine, but very little of what it is like in big city life. Let me know when yours is released.


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  8. […] post, from H.L. Dyer, originally appeared on the QueryTracker.net blog on […]

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